Can I Carry Out Enhanced Log File Analysis Within Spreadsheets, Databases and Direct Access?

TICK Log Analysis

If you wish to carry out analysis on your call log that TICK does not directly provide specific support you have two options available.

TICK allows you to export the call log as a comma separate file. This function is available by right clicking on a call log entry, selecting export followed by detail. You will be prompted to enter the location and filename of the file you wish TICK to create containing your call log. This file can then be imported into the most popular spreadsheets and database applications. These applications can then be used to further report on the data that TICK has collected.

TICK does not currently support the batch adding of records to the call log. The call log file is stored in a file call log70.bin which can be found in the C:\Program Files \TICK\Logs folder.

TICK has been developed in Delphi (Pascal) and the structure of the log record has been included below.

//{Mode = 0-Auto, 1-Insert, 2-Edit,
//3-Adjust, 4-Rcvrd, 5-Discon}
typLogInformation = record
  Start, Finish: TDateTime;
  Cost_With_Discount, Cost_Without_Discount: Real;
  Mode: integer;
  Data_Transferred: Cardinal;
  Connect_Speed: Cardinal;
  Connectoid_Name: string[20];
  User_Name: string[25];
  Deleted: boolean;

No support can be given on accessing the call log directly.